Post by myshelly on Jun 18, 2020 18:39:26 GMT
First, it seems it was her kid, not the lady that organized it. ETA- apparently the lady helped And yeah, I'm sure they looked and said apparently we are allowed to March. Let's do it. In my youth, I would have done it. EC was on the committee. She didn't just help, she planned. A LOT. Where are people getting the info that the parents were so involved? That’s not what the article says. EC was on a committee and they planned an alternate graduation, but the committee’s plan was rejected, so the *students* did this. The article doesn’t say anything about the committee EC was on planning or helping with this.
Post by monklady123 on Jun 18, 2020 18:42:41 GMT
Wow, lots of deleted posts on this one, it used to be well into 4 pages an hour ago. I don't think so. You must be remembering a different thread.
Post by belgravia on Jun 18, 2020 18:43:29 GMT
I'm glad someone has a back bone to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. We as Americans can determine what is safe for our families and if they chose to have a graduation, god forbid, san masks etc...WHO GIVES A SHIT!! All of you OVER privileged women need to get several hobbies and focus on those instead of what everyone else is doing wrong in your mind! NOT everyone thinks like you hoity toitee goodee goodee gossipers who lick everyone's ass, and then immediately talk shit behind their backs!!! You fucking liberal bitches are what's wrong with society. I hope you choke on that! *sans* masks Look at me, all hoity *toity* correcting your French 😂
Post by hop2 on Jun 18, 2020 18:46:16 GMT
Wow, lots of deleted posts on this one, it used to be well into 4 pages an hour ago. I don't think there are any deleted posts are there? It did jump from page 4 back to page 3 but it’s again at page 4 so somethings gone
Drama Llama

Posts: 6,801
Jun 27, 2014 20:37:34 GMT
Post by purplebee on Jun 18, 2020 18:49:21 GMT
I'm glad someone has a back bone to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. We as Americans can determine what is safe for our families and if they chose to have a graduation, god forbid, san masks etc...WHO GIVES A SHIT!! All of you OVER privileged women need to get several hobbies and focus on those instead of what everyone else is doing wrong in your mind! NOT everyone thinks like you hoity toitee goodee goodee gossipers who lick everyone's ass, and then immediately talk shit behind their backs!!! You fucking liberal bitches are what's wrong with society. I hope you choke on that! You do realized that your chickenshit move of making a new alter completely nullifies the validity of your post. Keyboard warriors, how brave you are.... (Not actually saying it HAS any validity...)
Post by christine58 on Jun 18, 2020 18:56:26 GMT
Posts: 0
Nov 23, 2024 0:18:24 GMT
Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2020 19:00:01 GMT
Pearl Clutcher
Posts: 2,760
Oct 2, 2017 23:20:46 GMT
Post by mich5481 on Jun 18, 2020 19:01:25 GMT
I did because I realized some of my posts were not helpful.
Post by monklady123 on Jun 18, 2020 19:02:14 GMT
Aha! I apologize for doubting whoever mentioned it first.
Post by chlerbie on Jun 18, 2020 19:04:14 GMT
I think the white privilege part of this is 1. Being inspired by BLM to come up with a way to celebrate themselves 2. Coming up with ways to circumvent policing knowing this did not put them at personal risk 3. Justifying their own celebration which was previously denied to them by citing BLM protests I see no hypocrisy in saying it’s okay to take to the streets to protest police brutality but not to hold large parties. The hypocrisy is saying it's not a public health issue to protest. But it's a public health issue for everything else that involves a mass gathering. Oddly enough, the public health issue that is an issue for anything other than the protests is actually more deadly to black people. I totally support the right to protest, provided people follow the guidelines. But my point is if it's not a PH issue to protest with masks, then you should be able to have outdoor concerts now and other things that are currently not happening and is killing our economy. And while I can't speak for area, around here, towns are calling for anyone who was at the protests to go and be tested. This recognizes that the protests have been important, but also the health issues surrounding it. There's no hypocrisy in saying that we understand the deep reason why people have taken to the streets right now and still feel like we can go ahead and cancel the Def Leppard shows. If you can't see the difference, that's on you.
Post by vspindler on Jun 18, 2020 19:08:31 GMT
From my recent understanding of "white privileged," it is meant to label and insult the person who is determined to have their life the way it is simply because of the color of their skin. That doesn't seem right either. It's lumping every white person into the same group. Some are very accepting and understanding of the plight of black people (and other races ) and work to spread the message of tolerance of all. As others have already explained, no, it doesn't mean what you think it does. And you can be very understanding and supportive of the plight of black/minority people, and still have white privilege. Not to mention people can and do use their privilege in support of communities of color. Such as white people putting their bodies between police and other BLM protestors. (Hopefully at the request of the protest organizers and not out of a desire to play white hero.)
Pearl Clutcher
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Posts: 4,053
Jul 13, 2014 21:23:27 GMT
Post by Olan on Jun 18, 2020 19:13:29 GMT
Pearl Clutcher
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Posts: 4,053
Jul 13, 2014 21:23:27 GMT
Post by Olan on Jun 18, 2020 19:14:00 GMT
I think the white privilege part of this is 1. Being inspired by BLM to come up with a way to celebrate themselves 2. Coming up with ways to circumvent policing knowing this did not put them at personal risk 3. Justifying their own celebration which was previously denied to them by citing BLM protests I see no hypocrisy in saying it’s okay to take to the streets to protest police brutality but not to hold large parties. The hypocrisy is saying it's not a public health issue to protest. But it's a public health issue for everything else that involves a mass gathering. Oddly enough, the public health issue that is an issue for anything other than the protests is actually more deadly to black people. I totally support the right to protest, provided people follow the guidelines. But my point is if it's not a PH issue to protest with masks, then you should be able to have outdoor concerts now and other things that are currently not happening and is killing our economy.
Post by monklady123 on Jun 18, 2020 19:22:23 GMT
EC was on the committee. She didn't just help, she planned. A LOT. Where are people getting the info that the parents were so involved? That’s not what the article says. EC was on a committee and they planned an alternate graduation, but the committee’s plan was rejected, so the *students* did this. The article doesn’t say anything about the committee EC was on planning or helping with this. Perhaps they weren't involved in the actual planning of the alternate event, but it does say "parents cheered from the balconies" as they walked. And the Vice-Principal was even there. Also, toward the beginning of the article Erin Condren is quoted about how she (and the committee, I guess) had basically told the kids to lie if they were caught on the beach (that's the part about the hula hoops and saying it was an exercise class...) Great moral leadership all around.
Post by christine58 on Jun 18, 2020 19:26:12 GMT
I’ve been seeing that a lot in many of my older threads. That people have deleted responses??
Post by sasha on Jun 18, 2020 19:27:17 GMT
The hypocrisy is saying it's not a public health issue to protest. But it's a public health issue for everything else that involves a mass gathering. Oddly enough, the public health issue that is an issue for anything other than the protests is actually more deadly to black people. I totally support the right to protest, provided people follow the guidelines. But my point is if it's not a PH issue to protest with masks, then you should be able to have outdoor concerts now and other things that are currently not happening and is killing our economy. I support protests. I also support letting people gather for whatever reason. They can both happen with masks. The cause of why does not make it any less or more dangerous in terms of the virus itself. 20,000 black people have died from the virus in just a few short months.
Post by sasha on Jun 18, 2020 19:34:19 GMT
Of course it is. The virus though, has killed 20,000 black people in the few short months. But public health officials think this is worth the risk of protest. I support that decision if people follow the guidelines. But I also support other gatherings if mass gatherings are permitted.
Post by Really Red on Jun 18, 2020 20:36:13 GMT
They went around the rules to have their own graduation celebration. What do you think would have happened if this was a group of 600 POC?? You CAN bet there would have been a bigger response. Yes. Plus, I am just completely gobsmacked (I love this word - so appropriate here) that Erin Condren is so DENSE. How is this not about the parents? FFS. It is completely about her and the other parents. COMPLETELY.
Post by refugeepea on Jun 18, 2020 20:54:22 GMT
I'm glad someone has a back bone to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. We as Americans can determine what is safe for our families and if they chose to have a graduation, god forbid, san masks etc...WHO GIVES A SHIT!! All of you OVER privileged women need to get several hobbies and focus on those instead of what everyone else is doing wrong in your mind! NOT everyone thinks like you hoity toitee goodee goodee gossipers who lick everyone's ass, and then immediately talk shit behind their backs!!! You fucking liberal bitches are what's wrong with society. I hope you choke on that! Look at me, all hoity *toity* correcting your French Is that French? I wouldn't know. I'm probably in the White Trash category. If it is, isn't most of it's population fucking liberal bitches?
Post by belgravia on Jun 18, 2020 21:11:46 GMT
I'm glad someone has a back bone to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. We as Americans can determine what is safe for our families and if they chose to have a graduation, god forbid, san masks etc...WHO GIVES A SHIT!! All of you OVER privileged women need to get several hobbies and focus on those instead of what everyone else is doing wrong in your mind! NOT everyone thinks like you hoity toitee goodee goodee gossipers who lick everyone's ass, and then immediately talk shit behind their backs!!! You fucking liberal bitches are what's wrong with society. I hope you choke on that! Look at me, all hoity *toity* correcting your French Is that French? I wouldn't know. I'm probably in the White Trash category. If it is, isn't most of it's population fucking liberal bitches? Sans is French. It means “without.” San is... I don’t know. And hoity toity? I don’t know its’ origin, but I do know how to spell it 🤪
Post by MichyM on Jun 18, 2020 21:15:55 GMT
I'm glad someone has a back bone to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. We as Americans can determine what is safe for our families and if they chose to have a graduation, god forbid, san masks etc...WHO GIVES A SHIT!! All of you OVER privileged women need to get several hobbies and focus on those instead of what everyone else is doing wrong in your mind! NOT everyone thinks like you hoity toitee goodee goodee gossipers who lick everyone's ass, and then immediately talk shit behind their backs!!! You fucking liberal bitches are what's wrong with society. I hope you choke on that! Wow. You really TOLD us, didn’t you. Damned shame you can’t do it under your “real” pea name. Scaredy cat 🤪
Posts: 0
Nov 23, 2024 0:18:24 GMT
Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2020 21:33:23 GMT
I'm glad someone has a back bone to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. We as Americans can determine what is safe for our families and if they chose to have a graduation, god forbid, san masks etc...WHO GIVES A SHIT!! All of you OVER privileged women need to get several hobbies and focus on those instead of what everyone else is doing wrong in your mind! NOT everyone thinks like you hoity toitee goodee goodee gossipers who lick everyone's ass, and then immediately talk shit behind their backs!!! You fucking liberal bitches are what's wrong with society. I hope you choke on that! Look at me, all hoity *toity* correcting your French Is that French? I wouldn't know. I'm probably in the White Trash category. If it is, isn't most of it's population fucking liberal bitches? The noun, which first appeared in print in the middle of the 17th century, was probably created as a singsongy rhyme based on the dialectal English word hoit, meaning "to play the fool." The adjective hoity-toity can stay close to its roots and mean "foolish" ("… as though it were very hoity-toity of me not to know that royal personage." — W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge), but in current use it more often means "pretentious."
Post by refugeepea on Jun 18, 2020 21:36:59 GMT
The noun, which first appeared in print in the middle of the 17th century, was probably created as a singsongy rhyme based on the dialectal English word hoit, meaning "to play the fool." The adjective hoity-toity can stay close to its roots and mean "foolish" ("… as though it were very hoity-toity of me not to know that royal personage." — W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge), but in current use it more often means "pretentious." I know it as meaning pretentious, but had no idea of its origins. On a side note, Erin Condren and Maggie Holmes kind of look alike. Both are not having a good week.
Posts: 0
Nov 23, 2024 0:18:24 GMT
Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2020 21:51:11 GMT
Is that French? I wouldn't know. I'm probably in the White Trash category. If it is, isn't most of it's population fucking liberal bitches? Sans is French. It means “without.” San is... I don’t know. And hoity toity? I don’t know its’ origin, but I do know how to spell it 🤪 You should probably then remove the apostrophe from “its” above then. 
Posts: 0
Nov 23, 2024 0:18:24 GMT
Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2020 21:51:58 GMT
The noun, which first appeared in print in the middle of the 17th century, was probably created as a singsongy rhyme based on the dialectal English word hoit, meaning "to play the fool." The adjective hoity-toity can stay close to its roots and mean "foolish" ("… as though it were very hoity-toity of me not to know that royal personage." — W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge), but in current use it more often means "pretentious." I know it as meaning pretentious, but had no idea of its origins. On a side note, Erin Condren and Maggie Holmes kind of look alike. Both are not having a good week. Who is Maggie Holmes and what did she do?
Posts: 0
Nov 23, 2024 0:18:24 GMT
Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2020 21:53:51 GMT
The noun, which first appeared in print in the middle of the 17th century, was probably created as a singsongy rhyme based on the dialectal English word hoit, meaning "to play the fool." The adjective hoity-toity can stay close to its roots and mean "foolish" ("… as though it were very hoity-toity of me not to know that royal personage." — W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge), but in current use it more often means "pretentious." I know it as meaning pretentious, but had no idea of its origins. On a side note, Erin Condren and Maggie Holmes kind of look alike. Both are not having a good week. h sorry I posted that thinking maybe the origin isn't French but English based on it coming from hoit. 
Posts: 0
Nov 23, 2024 0:18:24 GMT
Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2020 21:54:16 GMT
Post by refugeepea on Jun 18, 2020 21:57:56 GMT
Who is Maggie Holmes and what did she do? She designs for American Crafts and has done some scrapbook lines. She didn't say anything for quite a while about black lives matter and then she did in her insta stories and a youtuber (who uses her products a lot) was pissed about her response. She said something about needing to be able to do a lot of research and "hear him" before she made a statement. That was an LDS reference about God and not George Floyd. Then there was a lot of people saying they were banning her products. Her privilege was showing. She shouldn't have stayed silent. The youtuber said she had "receipts" or proof of what she said. I didn't feel like googling more to figure it out. I don't know all the details because she deleted her story.
ETA: Or I should added a link.
Post by sasha on Jun 18, 2020 22:01:52 GMT
I've been out of the scrapbooking game so long I have no idea who Maggie Holmes is! I didn't know who Erin Condren was either!
Post by sasha on Jun 18, 2020 22:16:33 GMT
Holy shit, I'm just getting to the meat of it. MH is an idiot.