Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:22:37 GMT
Waaaahhhhhhh Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Waaaaaahhhhh I’m not getting my way…fuck everyone else… Masks do help.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:21:17 GMT
There you go with backing off and claiming you didn't mean what you said when you're asked for specifics. But I'll play your game. Read the "you" in my post as the general "you," just as you're claiming that the "someone" you reference was some other random person and not yourself. Link us up. Give us a screenshot. Show us where someone on the right here posted "undeniable proof" and was uniformly rebuffed by the left.
I'm not sure how my describing what isn't actually undeniable proof is "degrading," as you say, but this form of victimhood does seem to be a strong theme among the right-wing peas. I’m not convinced you even understand what sort of proof was being asked for in that exchange. Based on your bringing up the other thread, you seem to believe we were asking for proof of conservative victimhood, but that wasn’t it at all. Seems pretty obvious to me, but do point out what it is that you think I don't understand. What context is missing? Moving goal posts again.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:19:33 GMT
Funny thing about insults. You don’t get to decide whether or not the other person feels insulted. You don’t get to make yourself the victim when you’ve insulted someone else. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to teach some divisive concepts, like understanding how the music of African slaves is the root of all the music we enjoy today. LMK if you need more deets so you can report me. Nothing I said in that thread was insulting without twisting yourself into being offended. So, what you're saying is, you didn't REALLY want to see proof, you were just using that as another asinine way to dismiss. Just like you twisting yourself into an offended pretzel on my thread in order to diminish anything I say. Got it. You tried to vilify here here by being dishonest. Merge 1 Pixiechik 0
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:18:32 GMT
Well, I know that the “White Supremacy” thing was aimed at me. But, anyone who supports white supremacists when they take over a city is a white supremacist in my book, so I can live with that. 🤷♀️ I do find a white supremacist supporter accusing others of white privilege to be ironic at best and simply pathetic otherwise. I always love when someone doesn't have a good response to someone's point and here comes the "white privilege" or "you are a white supremacist" rants. It has happened SEVERAL times on this thread. I do find a white supremacist supporter accusing others of white privilege to be ironic at best and simply pathetic otherwise.Don't you have a better argument than that? Its really getting repetitive and boring. And laughable at this point in time. And your only “defense” and lame attempts to becc by witty and make quips is yo pull out the “Neener neener, I know you are but what am I” childish response. What downright hilarious is watching you and your ilk struggle with honesty and thinking you have the moral high road. (You aren’t, and you don’t)
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:15:52 GMT
I use Tapatalk. There are no “pages.” And as I said in the other thread, “good will” is an insult when you consistently vote for, defend, and support people whose policies hurt the people to whom you’re giving good will. Your thread was an insult to all of them/us. Well look at it off of Tapatalk. Or ask for proof and continue to find asinine ways to dismiss the proof without even looking at it. That's fine, it's just more proof. As far as my thread being an insult, it is only if you want to twist it into that. And you clearly NEEDED to. It's almost pathological with you these days. Plenty of people didn't see it as an insult and appreciated the thread. It wasn’t an issue until you tried to use it to vilify here HERE, on this thread. You are the most dishonest pea posting.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:14:47 GMT
Doing “home research” where you’re comparing subsets of data, related or not is dicey at best, and then to combine that data from disparate studies can and usually does produce misleading or unreliable results. While science is “fluid”, ever evolving, updating —no amount of “home study or personal research/compilation of data is going to be accurate for the masses. no amount of “home study or personal research/compilation of data is going to be accurate for the masses. Neither is across the board, no exceptions, mass mandated medical treatment. Especially given the new science and most recent information that has come out about who is most and least at risk. And the new science about the effectiveness of natural immunity. Home study, personal research/compilation of data, along with discussing with your own doctor IS going to be accurate for your personal decisions. Sorry but no. And here you are again, only cherry picking a part of my words. You’ll never stop being dishonest in your attempts at posting.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:12:28 GMT
I’m not going up to count responses to find whatever you’re talking about, but the question was about undeniable proof. Not places where people simply disagreed with you. I disagreed with you lecturing anyone about kindness on that thread and I very clearly explained why. And I stand by it. I posted a thread in order to pay it forward and create good will. A thread that people were appreciating. YOU were the one lecturing in order to diminish anything I say. but the question was about undeniable proof. I gave undeniable proof - my posts on page 29 of this thread. You don't have to count anything. You created a thread to “pay it forward” But what you really did was pull a quote by another pea, using it in your OP, and then you attempted to use it in this thread to vilify her, by twisting it into something that it never was. If you’re baking a post “to create good will” or “pay it forward” it’s a shame that you couldn’t do it on your own merit, but instead used another peas words out of context to do it.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:08:18 GMT
You’re being insidious—disingenuous. Again. Where did merge’s original quote come from? You’re the OP in the thread in which you pulled a snippet/sentence from merge that she posted on ANOTHER thread. Merge wasn’t responding to or quoting you in this thread that you started. So what? Including what made me think of it, in no way minimizes what I said. It unequivocally shows that you posted, commented and then (here in this thread) attached it to a question not even close to context. It paints you as a liar, and it absolutely cancels the context in which you tried to have that “gotcha” moment against merge. Epic fail on your part. You’re getting sloppy. You gaslight, outright lie, twist words and have repeatedly used quotes by others out of context.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 23:03:15 GMT
I’ve found it hard to trust him since he was nominated. I've questioned his judgement since the Senate ignored his sexual harassment of his employees before they bestowed the honor of Supreme Court Justice on him. Anymore, it’s beginning to look like a job requirement for Republicans in office, appointments, clergy, etc. It’s commonplace for Republicans to have sexual crimes against them, and it’s always accepted by their peers. They’re never held accountable and wear it like a badge of honor.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 22:57:07 GMT
Me thinks he just doesn’t understand Putin’s actions. Me thinks he’s been selling classified info to Putin.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 11:55:11 GMT
That are 90% vaccinated. On Jan. 22, 2022, a convoy of trucks drove across this country and ended up breaking it in half. Uh huh. That's what did it. It had nothing to do with a government refusing to listen to the hardships that ordinary citizens were facing in extraordinary times. Ordinary people. Men and women who actually go out and work for a living. You know, the ones who brought food and vaccines and even toilet paper to people who were told to stay in their homes and not come out without an acceptable excuse. One thing you can count on is that people around the world are watching how the Canadian government responds. So far, looks like Truckers 1, Government 0. Maybe from your right wing colored glasses. To the rest, they’re relived that they can get back to a better quality if uninterrupted life.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 11:39:45 GMT
It is hard to keep up with these threads so thought I might post this in both threads as they now seem to be over lapping. I notice that some of the conversation has turned to vaccine effectiveness amongst all the other tangents. It is all a learning curve , for me anyway. It is not unlike a situation where I have found myself in before. I used to think that science was absolute but I found that the devil is in the detail . ( I learned this whilst home - researching a post viral health condition over many years ) There are shades of grey I have only taken a quick glance at vaccine effectiveness but if I were to take a more serious look ( which I am not ) then I would take the following factors into consideration - Epidemiological data from various countries . Comparison of above data and why variations may occur - In an earlier post I linked to data including tables that showed 2 shot vaccine effectiveness in the UK was lower than that reported by the US . The UKHSA ( UK Health Security Agency )showed roughly 40% ish effectiveness compared to 60% ish from the CDC. ( US Centre for Disease Control ) A potential reason for this could be because the UK used both Astra Zeneca and Pfizer ( confirmed ) in comparison to the US which used Moderna and Pfizer ( at least I think so but have not double checked ) Other things to take into consideration might be - Different vaccine types Timescales of waning immunity Number and timing of shots . Covid variants as vaccine efficacy for Delta was higher than for Omicron. Immunosuppressed individuals Rates of infection for different areas . Through previous personal experience of home research there a few things I picked up along the way including - Taking into consideration the ranking of a journal. Some are more respected and high profile than others. They are rated regarding their impact factor. Even high ranking journals sometimes have a controversial history on certain subjects. I also came to realise that any meta analysis is only as good as the original articles which reviewers may take at face value. If the original articles were unreliable or biased in the first place than the conclusion of any meta analysis may reflect this and could be potentially flawed leading to misleading conclusions . Decent meta analysis should highlight any weaknesses and issues concerned. In my experience this can vary. The devil in the detail is to be found in between the abstract and the conclusion of the article. There have been times when headers don’t always stand up to closer scrutiny. Going off topic slightly - The type of misleading research that I am most familiar with has thankfully since been discredited due it’s poor practices . Unfortunately the same discredited researchers have turned their attention to Long Covid. I have huge respect for the patients/ families (affected by this particular post viral illness )- dubbed as citizen scientists who have collaborated with decent medical/scientific researchers to co-author papers in order to get them published in peer reviewed journals . Amongst other researchers, they have contributed to altering particular Health guidelines in the UK and elsewhere. The new guidelines have turned the old ones upside down. This could also influence Long Covid health guidelines in the future due to their similarity. As a non-scientist I have come across information ( post viral ) that I found difficult to understand and wanted to learn more about clinical findings . As such I contacted a few biomedical researchers to ask if they could help explain things. I have been so lucky because they took the time and trouble to help. Going back to Covid , things are emerging and constantly changing medically, scientifically and politically. Information is fast moving and often contradictory . Online abuse is rife. Hate speech / crimes online have increased. I am from the UK but I read that New Zealand has a campaign to encourage people to stop and think before they press send. They try to show people that disagreement can occur and strong views expressed without resorting to personal attacks. Winding back online rage. www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/11/what-would-your-mother-say-new-zealand-urges-citizens-to-wind-back-online-rageI might just hide under the duvet now ! Doing “home research” where you’re comparing subsets of data, related or not is dicey at best, and then to combine that data from disparate studies can and usually does produce misleading or unreliable results. While science is “fluid”, ever evolving, updating —no amount of “home study or personal research/compilation of data is going to be accurate for the masses.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 11:37:56 GMT
It is hard to keep up with these threads so thought I might post this in both threads as they now seem to be over lapping. I notice that some of the conversation has turned to vaccine effectiveness amongst all the other tangents. It is all a learning curve , for me anyway. It is not unlike a situation where I have found myself in before. I used to think that science was absolute but I found that the devil is in the detail . ( I learned this whilst home - researching a post viral health condition over many years ) There are shades of grey I have only taken a quick glance at vaccine effectiveness but if I were to take a more serious look ( which I am not ) then I would take the following factors into consideration - Epidemiological data from various countries . Comparison of above data and why variations may occur - In an earlier post I linked to data including tables that showed 2 shot vaccine effectiveness in the UK was lower than that reported by the US . The UKHSA ( UK Health Security Agency )showed roughly 40% ish effectiveness compared to 60% ish from the CDC. ( US Centre for Disease Control ) A potential reason for this could be because the UK used both Astra Zeneca and Pfizer ( confirmed ) in comparison to the US which used Moderna and Pfizer ( at least I think so but have not double checked ) Other things to take into consideration might be - Different vaccine types Timescales of waning immunity Number and timing of shots . Covid variants as vaccine efficacy for Delta was higher than for Omicron. Immunosuppressed individuals Rates of infection for different areas . Through previous personal experience of home research there a few things I picked up along the way including - Taking into consideration the ranking of a journal. Some are more respected and high profile than others. They are rated regarding their impact factor. Even high ranking journals sometimes have a controversial history on certain subjects. I also came to realise that any meta analysis is only as good as the original articles which reviewers may take at face value. If the original articles were unreliable or biased in the first place than the conclusion of any meta analysis may reflect this and could be potentially flawed leading to misleading conclusions . Decent meta analysis should highlight any weaknesses and issues concerned. In my experience this can vary. The devil in the detail is to be found in between the abstract and the conclusion of the article. There have been times when headers don’t always stand up to closer scrutiny. Going off topic slightly - The type of misleading research that I am most familiar with has thankfully since been discredited due it’s poor practices . Unfortunately the same discredited researchers have turned their attention to Long Covid. I have huge respect for the patients/ families (affected by this particular post viral illness )- dubbed as citizen scientists who have collaborated with decent medical/scientific researchers to co-author papers in order to get them published in peer reviewed journals . Amongst other researchers, they have contributed to altering particular Health guidelines in the UK and elsewhere. The new guidelines have turned the old ones upside down. This could also influence Long Covid health guidelines in the future due to their similarity. As a non-scientist I have come across information ( post viral ) that I found difficult to understand and wanted to learn more about clinical findings . As such I contacted a few biomedical researchers to ask if they could help explain things. I have been so lucky because they took the time and trouble to help. Going back to Covid , things are emerging and constantly changing medically, scientifically and politically. Information is fast moving and often contradictory . Online abuse is rife. Hate speech / crimes online have increased. I am from the UK but I read that New Zealand has a campaign to encourage people to stop and think before they press send. They try to show people that disagreement can occur and strong views expressed without resorting to personal attacks. Winding back online rage. www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/11/what-would-your-mother-say-new-zealand-urges-citizens-to-wind-back-online-rageI might just hide under the duvet now ! Doing “home research” where you’re comparing subsets of data, related or not is dicey at best, and then to combine that data from disparate studies can and usually does produce misleading or unreliable results. While science is “fluid”, ever evolving, updating —no amount of “home study or personal research/compilation of data is going to be accurate for the masses.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 3:46:54 GMT
I don't know if she did, but I will... Here's just one recent of endless examples... This thread. Page 29, 14th post down. My post. In response to sideways saying "TFG had no plan whatsoever to get vaccines into arms. None. Zero. Zilch." 21 down. My post. 24 down. My post. 26 down. My post. 28 down. My post. And one specifically involving YOU merge. A thread I started to try to spread goodwill and pay it forward, in hopes that it would have a nice effect on some people going through a rough time in the service industry. People were appreciating it and adding their own experiences of how rough the service industry is having it lately. Even Lucy appreciated it. Lucy: "Thank you. I cannot find a single thing there to disagree with. " Merge: Hold my beer. You’re being insidious—disingenuous. Again. Where did merge’s original quote come from? You’re the OP in the thread in which you pulled a snippet/sentence from merge that she posted on ANOTHER thread. Merge wasn’t responding to or quoting you in this thread that you started.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 3:37:39 GMT
If I eat red meat later (like after 7:30 pm), I dream vividly!
So if I dream wild, I tend to track what I’m eating in the evening.
I had an Rx that led to not so pleasant dreams. Thank god that’s over !!!
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 1:46:17 GMT
Sure it does. You vote for a republican who does whatever that helps your family, but is 100% in tearing down teachers, all for privatization of schools, banning books, etc. you effectively fucked over teachers. I’m married to a teacher. I would love for there to be a party that I agree with on all of the issues. Unfortunately, there’s not. So I was right.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 1:43:04 GMT
Please understand that from our perspective (and that of virtually every working expert in the field) you are spreading disinformation that has gotten people killed. I believe you said above that if someone was spreading lies, they should expect to receive an angry response. You are spreading lies. You have allowed yourself to be taken in by conspiracy theorists who do not have the credentials to make the claims they are making. Those of us not in the conspiracy circle resent the lies and the pain they have caused millions of people, and we’re angry. These are not lies. The top doctors are not lying to you. They have nothing to gain from doing so. The people whose advice you're taking have everything to gain and that's the difference but you're not seeing it. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Brainwashed poster.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 0:49:28 GMT
At a time when it's more important than ever to talk to kids about race. The United States currently has a sitting black, bi-racial Vice President, and recently had two terms of a black, bi-racial President. And NOW it's more important than ever to talk to kids about race? Because you're going to point out to them how the US has gone from enslaving people with dark skin color to sitting them on the seats of power? No. It's because you want to tell them how bad they should feel if their skin is pale. There are quite a number of parents who see things differently than you do. And some of them, both people of color and colorless? people, think this compulsive attention to race is not helping people blend together at all. Nothing proclaims UNITY! like finding more ways to divide kids. What the fuck is a “colorless” person? Compulsive attention to race?? Are you fucking kidding? You are a complete piece of crap.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 0:47:25 GMT
On this very board you’ve said you will never vote for a Democrat so you’ve made it crystal clear which side of the “cause” you are on. Don’t try to wrap your turd in a “supportive” message. I don’t agree with either party on all the issues. I have to pick the issue I find most important because it will impact my family the most and vote on that. Right now, that’s not CRT or public education. The fact that I’m voting based on a different issue doesn’t mean anything about my beliefs on this issue. Sure it does. You vote for a republican who does whatever that helps your family, but is 100% in tearing down teachers, all for privatization of schools, banning books, etc. you effectively fucked over teachers.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 0:29:36 GMT
No White Supremacy on display here, just unicorns and fairy tales.... Let me know, Lefty and Sudsy, if I need to explain the SS reference in the second picture. Not to mention that it kind of contradicts the whole claim by Sudsy that no threats against Trudeau have been made. 🤪 I’ve avoided this thread somewhat, because for the life of me, I don’t understand what lefturnonly gets out of these dump and runs. It’s been her M.O since Trump started running for President, and it’s just plain weird But, JFC, those images make me want to vomit. You don’t need to gauge anyones news sources once those images show up. You’ve lost the fucking plot when that bullshit starts Clout to her conservative buddies. She can war cry the false narrative “I’m a victim of liberal bullying”
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 22, 2022 0:24:49 GMT
I’d like to know what sudsy ’s qualifications are for determining which studies are valid and which are not. Are you an epidemiologist? Have a background in virology or infectious disease? Have you overseen vaccine research or clinical trials? So curious, since you fancy yourself so much better at this than the rest of us. I am definitely not an epidemiologist or have a background in any of these things other than University science. I'm truly sorry if I'm coming across as "high and mighty" or something. I think I'm just losing my patience which is not a good thing at all. I should really just stick to reading these boards rather than commenting. I honestly just want to share information because I feel that others could benefit from it. I don't want to argue or fight with anyone. Maybe I bristle because I'm not used to people talking this way to one another. Sharing “dis- and mis-information”.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 23:43:58 GMT
Again, I don't think you understand how this works. Pfizer now has full approval, the vaccine is no longer under the emergency use authorization. EUA is an American authorization, it doesn't apply to Canada or any other country. Pfizer and the other vaccines have been distributed worldwide. www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/08/23/1030251410/pfizer-covid-vaccine-fda-approvalI'm also confused. Are you Canadian? You claim to have personally been to the protests. Why would you care about how the US authorizes vaccines? I posted this a few pages back. Maybe you didn't see it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiUFPDAlsLUIt's very confusing as I said. I still don't fully understand it myself. Yes, I'm Canadian. I care because I'm interested in things. Bunch-o-bullcrap.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 23:29:29 GMT
Podcasts? I don't have time to waste on podcasts. Any idiot can say whatever they want in a podcast. I am a cancer survivor and have absolutely no desire to waste “hours a day” listening to the total loons you are recommending. Give me peer-reviewed science any day. If you were in my classes advocating podcasts - which anyone can record and make available - over peer-reviewed research, you’d get that part of the test and assignment wrong. Here's how it works: they discuss peer-reviewed science in the podcasts. I honestly can't with these responses. More ridiculous drivel.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 23:21:10 GMT
Makes one wonder if some of that classified information trump stole from the White House made its way to Russia for a nice tidy sum.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 23:14:29 GMT
A fetus is not a decision making body. Neither is a person in a coma. That has NOTHING to do with it, imo. Whether the person is capable of making decision or not NO ONE has the right to USE THE BODY, blood, bone marrow of another person. NO ONE. Ok. Although, Someone (else) is making medical decisions for the person in a coma…
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 21:42:33 GMT
Your manner of speaking is gross and I'm not sure you even realize it. Do you speak to people in real life like that? You're drinking the Kool Aid that the media is providing you with and again, are completely oblivious. You've just learned about Diagolon through a well crafted online news article. A group of boys with guns and a flag. Now you think they're terrorists. If I wasn't Canadian and didn't already know who these guys were, I might think the same thing. I'm not here to change your mind because at this point I realize who I'm dealing with and that it's not possible. Critical thinking is not your forte. Fine. You don't have the time or the energy or the will to get to the bottom of things. It's not easy. I get it. But you're talking about something you know nothing about other than a news article and are trying to sound superior with vulgar language and 2 second Googling skills. It's honestly humourous. Please keep it up because at this point it's enjoyable. Next you'll be telling me that I'm a white supremacist. Your type falls for this sort of thing so easily. It's thoroughly predictable. Bwaashahahaaaaa!!! Such brainwashy drivel 🤣🤣🤣
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 21:41:40 GMT
Does anyone know what corporation this is? “ Say the people supporting the corporation responsible for killing tens of millions of minority children.” I’m guessing it’s Amazon.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 21:40:44 GMT
A fetus is not a child. That does not make me a hypocrite. I'm sorry but whether a fetus is a child or not has nothing to do with what I said. Sure it does. A fetus is not a decision making body.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 19:32:46 GMT
Oh please. Look no further than a conservative trying to compare abortion—a legal healthcare option for women—to a pandemic. Me wanting to abort a fetus only affects ME. Not you, not my community, not my state, not my government. And pandemic, not the same. But you already know that. (Or are you just really dumb?) You’re only permitted to push those echo chamber republican fear mongering talking points. I hate to point out the obvious here but it also affects the fetus. If you would have preferred to be the result of an abortion then I could see how you would agree with it, otherwise you're a hypocrite. A fetus is not a child. That does not make me a hypocrite.
Post by papercrafteradvocate on Feb 21, 2022 18:59:12 GMT
What? You don't like your concerns to be oversimplified? Hmmm. Our bodies, our choice? Hmmm. You have to look into the history and lives of the founders and leaders of your movement? Hmmm. You want the freedom to take the life of your own unborn, and sometimes newborn, but you don't want others to have the freedom of choice to prefer to treat a possible viral infection with long-used, effective, and generically cheap therapeutics instead of having their entire families continually injected with experimental vaccines that aren't stopping infection and are yielding bumper profits for big pharmaceutical companies. But... WHITE SUPREMACY! Say the people supporting the corporation responsible for killing tens of millions of minority children. The true arrogance of white privilege on full display. Oh please. Look no further than a conservative trying to compare abortion—a legal healthcare option for women—to a pandemic. Me wanting to abort a fetus only affects ME. Not you, not my community, not my state, not my government. And pandemic, not the same. But you already know that. (Or are you just really dumb?) You know how many Republican politicians are reaping $$$$$ on big pharma, specifically profiting from the vaccines? Republican politicians don’t want people to stop getting them in reality, because it’s funding their retirement! And you’re a liar. The vaccines have been repeatedly been proven to stop, slow, and mitigate the virus. White supremacy??? Are you kidding? You’d think by your post that you support it—that it’s the liberals only opposing it. 🙄🙄 You’re only permitted to push those echo chamber republican fear mongering talking points.