Happy Hanukkah! @bklyngal...So happy you're feeling a bit better today
AND you even decorated for him---that's
awesome (but sorry it was hard).
scrappinwithoutpeas...I'm sorry you're going through a difficult time with your family
regarding your Dad's death. (( hugs ))
sueg...Sophia is so adorable, but wasn't she a baby
yesterday I know it's such a cliche, but
children really seem to grow up SO fast!
*your mini-pies look cute and yummy. I love baking mini-pies in little glass jars, wrapped with ribbon
---they make great gifts.
scrapmaven...Every Hanukkah, I always think of the jelly donuts you talk about.
I'll be at your
house sometime in the next 8 nights, whichever night is better for ya. (ha ha--I wish! ) My dear friend since
Kindergarten, and lovely memories of getting to celebrate Jewish traditions with her family.
cadoodlebug...Glad you had fun, and I am sooo jealous! Someday maybe DH and I will go to Napa (and
alll the other places in California that we've visited and want to see again). I seriously LOVE
California ( I think I've said this wayy too much and y'll are probably sick of it.
Speaking of Cali (where I'd also love to LIVE !), there are so many of you there, (or in nearby
states) and it'd be SO awesome to meet y'all in person !!! (and yes,
AussieMeg, I liked your
idea about you flying here instead of allll of us flying to you).
To top it off, my friend mentioned
above lives in LA now, so I could see her too! She and I haven't seen each other in YEARS,
it would be so much fun!
** I'm not done posting, but wittle Beatrice needs me.