Post by meganliane on Jul 15, 2015 4:33:13 GMT
I am moving soon and am in the process of destashing some but also organizing. What are your best tips in regards to these? As far as the organization goes, I am also wanting to "condense" my items. One thing I did was take items like flair out of their normal package and added them to a slot in a plastic divided container. Any other tips like this?
Post by papersilly on Jul 15, 2015 4:49:23 GMT
I have the Recollection drawer cubes from Michaels. They can be stacked and the have a simple, clean design. I also like wire baskets, tiered ones especially.
Post by crazy4scraps on Jul 15, 2015 5:10:12 GMT
If you can set up a separate staging area where you can sort through and organize/pack as you go, that is the best way to do it. Try to group as much like with like items as you can, and pack those items together as much as possible. LABEL EVERY BOX as specifically as you can. This will save you SO MUCH TROUBLE down the road, especially if you aren't able to get everything unpacked as soon as you might like at the new house. When we moved, I ended up throwing all kinds of mish mash stuff together into boxes just to get it out of the room more quickly and a lot of stuff didn't get labeled very well. After getting in here, it took THREE YEARS to get to the point where I could get the buildout done on my studio space so I never unpacked. Because I couldn't tell what was what in all those boxes I couldn't really work on anything without major frustration simply because I couldn't find anything when I wanted or needed it. My last piece of advice is to do as much of it as you can yourself. If you are the one packing it up, YOU know it was packed safely for the type of product it is, and YOU know which box it got put in so it will be easier to find later. As nice as it is to have someone who wants to help with this stuff, it ends up being counterproductive if you wind up with things that get damaged due to being poorly packed or if you don't know where it went and what it was packed with. And don't make the paper boxes too heavy. Your back will thank you!
Post by alissa103 on Jul 15, 2015 13:15:51 GMT
Some things I did when I majorly downsized my stash (moved from a gigantic scrap room to a tiny one): 1. If you wouldn't scrap a page with it today, get rid of it. I.e. Only keep stuff you really love and use. 2. Test all inks, paints, etc. and toss the dry ones and sell the duplicates or similar colors you don't use. 3. Use ziplocks to package inks, mists, glue etc. so that they don't leak on other stuff. 4. Go through unfinished projects and either finish them or toss. 5. Don't hang on to stuff just because you have the space. For me, it was items to alter. I rarely do this these days, so it was silly that I had so many picture frames, mini books and that kind of thing stored. They took up a ton of space! I kept kist a few favorites to use as gifts and sold the rest. 6. Sort like items with like items. I.e. put all your stamps together. Unless you store a set with a collection or have some other organizational system. 7. I put paper in those huge zip locks, stuffed. It helped it from getting damaged in boxes. I then put those ziplocks in my cropper hopper vertical holders and put one per box (bc they were heavy). I didn't have any bent or damaged paper! If I think of anything else I'll add it!